We're not the type of faith community to define ourselves primarily by a Statement of Faith. At Haven, our vision is to live into a unique identity as a community, holding three values in tension: creating safety, honoring diversity, and centering around Jesus. We’ve observed a number of communities that seem to embody two of these three, but at Haven, our hope is to live into the center where all three intersect. Living into this vision is very much a work-in-progress, but this is the journey we’re trying to take at Haven.

Understanding the Values:

Creating Safety.

We’re working to create a space where all people may feel free to participate without fear of judgment or exile.

Honoring Diversity.

Our community thrives on embracing the rich tapestry of human experiences. We celebrate diversity in all its forms — from race, gender identity, and sexual orientation, to faith backgrounds and political beliefs. Haven Berkeley is a place where everyone’s story matters.

Centering around Jesus.

While our spiritual roots are grounds in the Christian faith, we recognize the beauty in diverse interpretations of the Divine. Jesus serves as a guiding light, helping us connect with the sacred and embrace our shared humanity. In practice, this means:

  • We find Jesus uniquely helpful in connecting with God. 

  • We interact with the Divine through the Holy Spirit.

  • The Bible plays a significant role in informing our faith.

Understanding the Intersections

Creating Safety + Honoring Diversity (Justice Organizations)

These groups understand the need to address intersectional and structural inequalities to create safety for all.

Creating Safety + Centering around Jesus (Monocultural Churches)

The majority of the population is from one group. Often this feels safer for marginalized groups who become the majority, but can feel uncomfortable for some who don’t feel they fit in.

Honoring Diversity + Centering around Jesus (Many Multiethnic or LGBTQia+ “Welcoming but Not Affirming” Churches)

All are welcome, but must assimilate into the majority culture. 

Creating Safety + Honoring Diversity + Centering around Jesus (the goal of Haven)

  • We are actively pursuing diverse inclusion at all organizational levels. 

  • We recognize the impact of trauma in spiritual communities and seek to create a space that brings healing to past wounds.

  • We invite everyone into personal growth as we share the work of creating safety for the whole group, rather than expecting only some of us to adjust.

  • We follow Jesus into radical inclusion, believing we connect with God more when we honor different points of view. This includes learning from our brothers and sisters of other faiths and traditions.