How We Stay Safe: Infection Control Plan for All Meetings

All Haven in-person Sunday gatherings will follow these protocol.

  1. Screening and attestation

    1. Each participant must evaluate themselves, and their children, for fever, new cough, shortness of breath, headache, fatigue, muscle aches, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion, runny nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and chills prior to attending a gathering.  If any symptom is present, then the participant should not attend.

    2. If a participant has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 10 days, or has currently has a test pending, they are not to attend. 

    3. Upon entering the gathering, each participant will verbally agree they meet this screening criteria.  Screening questions can be found here. Haven greeters will point to a sign with the criteria and ask each attender to confirm that they and those in their household meet them when entering.

  2. Social distancing

    1. Chairs will continue to be set up to allow household units to be six feet from others, but if people would like to move their chairs and combine their groups they are welcome to, provided all who choose to sit closer together are comfortable with this.

  3. Hand Hygiene

    1. Hand sanitizer will be offered to all upon entry, but its usage will not be required.

  4. Masking/face covers

    1. Masks are optional for presenters (singers, speakers, etc.) but all others will wear their masks throughout the official gathering.

    2. If a person has a medical reason for not wearing a face covering, please discuss with Haven leadership prior to attending any gathering.

    3. Neck gators, valve masks, and bandanas are not acceptable.  It is also unacceptable for a participant to wear a face covering that is ill fitting (does not cover nose or falls down face).

    4. Haven is responsible for providing appropriate masks/face coverings for participants when participants are unable to provide them.

    5. After our services, attenders are invited to gather outdoors for an optional picnic and social time. Masks are optional during this time.

  5. Managing Children

    1. Children are under the responsibility of their caregivers for maintaining social distancing and face coverings (if > 2 years).

    2. Haven Kids space is available to children during a portion of the service, monitored by adult volunteers, who will work to help keep kids safe.

  6. Food and Beverages

    1. For the time being, we will continue to refrain from serving refreshments (like coffee and bagels) at our in-person services. Communion will be served and masks may be quickly adjusted when communion is taken.

    2. Children may be served individually wrapped snacks in the Haven kids space.

  7. Restroom Usage

    1. We ask that each restroom be used by one household at a time. There are distanced markers outside the restrooms to guide those who may need to wait their turn.